I've started on the cutest outfit ever, for my niece Maya. I've wanted to make Anouk from Knitty (by Kate Gilbert) for several years, but haven't known any little girls of the appropriate age. Now it seems there's a baby boom among my friends and family, and wouldn't you know, quite a few little girls.
I stashed some Pakucho Cotton a few years ago for a dress for myself that never materialized, but I got this crazy color scheme in my head for this and I'm using this for Maya's Outfit instead.
The whole outfit will be:
Baby Merry Janes by bekah.knitsAnoukChild's Cotton Hat from Weekend Knitting
I'm using the Pakucho Cotton, Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Old Rose (doubled as necessary) and yellow and teal kitchen cotton for the other contrast. The socks of the Merry Janes, the icord in the hat will both be the Old Rose. I think this will be ridiculously cute. Can't wait! (Even if, in my excitement yesterday, I completely screwed up the first bootie. Sheesh.)
Progress thus far: